Thursday 27 August 2020

writing prompt 5

 Their mission to mars had been a success so far. A month ago their shuttle had landed on the surface of the red planet and the crew had immediately set to work.

The astronaut wore a suit. It was very uncomfortable stuffy  and warm.

The astronaut roamed on the crust of mars

writing prompt 4

 The invasion had begun. Faced with row upon row of white-clad storm trooper, The Jedi knew that they had to act quickly...    

The skilled Jedi carfuly landed on the runway there were thousands of storm troopers. and plenty of ships to destroy the Jedi

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Rutva's writing prompt 7

 The ground began to shake. Birds sprang from the branches of the trees in the state of panic as the huge figure crawled out of the earth. The great big colossal giant opened his great big mouth and let out a great scream.His massive big head was deep stone grey color  he was really big and Furious

 By Rutva

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Rutva's Writing prompt 6

 You think you've seen some unusual houses in your time... Well this is a house that will blow you away!
There was a nice and cool house on the colossal snail. The great space snail was enormous an twisted. as it drifted into the deaths of deep space. There were trillions of stars.

Monday 17 August 2020

Can you find me???

 Hi. Can you see what my item is???

comment down below